Yahoo ! provides a similar service to Google Sitemaps with Yahoo ! Site Explorer.
Yahoo ! Site Explorer needs a Yahoo ! ID to be used. The file describing the Yahoo ! Sitemap is a plain text file containing the URL of the Web Site, one per line.
It should be named urllist.txt or urllist.txt.gz, if compressed in gzip format.
As with Google Sitemaps, Yahoo ! Site Explorer allows to add several Web Sites, each of them has to be authenticated.
Yahoo ! Site Explorer Web Site authentication method uses a text file supplied by Yahoo ! You can't choose it's name nor its content.
This text file, yahoo_authkey_82df705xe3469e97.txt, for example, has to be published in the root directory of the Web Site.
When the Web Site is authenticated by Yahoo ! you can either submit a Sitemap file for a Web Site (urllist.txt) or a RSS feed (RSS, RRS 2, Atom, ...) for a blog.
Then, the problems come when you use a blogger account, because Google does not allow to upload a file on a blogger blog, if the file is not an image !
Google's method for Web Site authentication uses either a text file like Yahoo ! either a META keyword to add in the blog template file (method we use in blogger blogs). At least, Google lets you the choice !
So, it is not possible to submit a blogger blog to Yahoo ! Site Explorer, at least for instance, because it seems Yahoo ! and Google have carefully chosen to differ in their methods, in order not to be compatible ....
Yahoo ! Site Explorer now handles correctly META tags in HEAD section of the site home page.